We often tell a kid to act his age when we feel that he's behaving in a way below his age. But acting your age works both ways. When you look at baby clothes, you see some very beautiful clothes but sometimes, there is a tendency to dress a baby in clothes that make him look older.
We like a child prodigy, but is that a good idea? Shouldn't a baby, or any child, for that matter, be allowed to live his baby life completely? Balanced people seem to have been able to live their youth at their own rhythm and they reached adult age in good shape. Babyhood doesn't last long, and when kids grow older, we long for the time we could cuddle them. And still, we pushed them to grow faster. Sometimes, it's like planting a flower and pulling on it so that it comes out faster. We know what happens to plants if we do that and that could be a good lesson in rearing children: let them live their age to the fullest, and that's the best guarantee that they'll go to the next age in full command of their life.
Countours Stroller
I have spent most of my life teaching children, and I always found it distressing when they wanted to act as if they were grown-ups. Sometimes, they didn't want to get dirty, and crawling in the gym for an exercise was below their standing. And yet, when they got over their adult way of reacting and applied themselves to the task at hand, they really enjoyed themselves.
Life expectancy has increased over the years and, yet, we often seem impatient for our children to grow up. If they can skip one level of schooling to reach another one faster, we go for it, as if they had to finish college or university as fast as possible. The way we dress is a form of communication, and when we don't keep in mind the age of the person, we send the message that older would be better. He's not fine the way he is right now, but maybe, a few years older might be better.
So in choosing baby clothes, pick the ones that show the baby in him. We often hear the phrase "carpe diem", and a baby should also be allowed to live each day fully without being pressed into aging faster than nature has intended. Babies have in themselves abilities to grow according to their own agenda, and let's support them instead of pulling on them.
Special Price!!! Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush
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Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Feature
- Reversible seat can face forward or face parent, seat reclines and features height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort
- Infant car seat attachment (included) fits most brands on the market
- Child cup holder and front bar removes quickly for in and out convenience plus new Easy-Reach parent tray has deeper, ventilated cup holders
- Height adjustable Sunrider canopy includes a peek-in window
- Easy trigger allows for quick fold and upright stand
Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Overview
Turn strolling time into bonding time with the Contours Options 3 Wheeler%2E This stroller features a reversible seat that allows your baby to face you or face forward as your child grows%2E You can also easily design a custom travel system using your favorite infant car seat with included Infant car seat attachment%2E Now includes a child cup holder%2C height adjustable canopy and simpler fold%21 Large storage basket%2E JPMA Certified Stroller weighs just 25 pounds%2EOnly use this product in the reclined position until child can sit up unassisted%2E 50 pounds%2E maximum child weight%2EAccommodates the following infant car seats %28infant car seat not included%29%3ABritax Chaperone%2CChicco KeyFit%2CChicco KeyFit 30%2CCombi Shuttle 33%2CCosco First Ride DX%2CCosco Starter%2CEvenflo Discovery%2CEvenflo Discovery 5%2CEvenflo Embrace%2CEvenflo Embrace 5%2CEvenflo Embrace 5 LX%2CEvenflo Serenade%2CGraco Safe Seat%2CGraco SnugRide Infant%2CGraco SnugRide 32%2CGraco SnugRide 35%2CMaxi%2DCosi Mico%2CPeg Perego Primo Viaggio%2CPeg P%E9rego%2CPrimo Viaggio SIP%2CSafety 1st Designer 22%2CSafety 1st onBoard 35%2CThe trademarks above are the property of their respective owners%2E They are not associated with Kolcraft Enterprises%2C Inc%2E and no approval by them is to be implied%2ESAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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